face-to-face and online ESOL
Limited availability for face-to-face and online ESOL
Contact Nick for more information.
Harehills English Language Project (H.E.L.P)
Our project started in 2006 as a response to a large number of asylum seekers and refugees arriving in the area and coming to St Aidan`s Church for help. We began with 6 learners. Since then our project has grown and developed to meet ever-changing needs. We now have 100 + learners. registered for classes.
We offer a wide selection of FREE English study courses and have different options to help you to learn English from home and to support you
What We Offer

Basic Skills for beginners
Pre-Entry and Beginners courses for those with possibly no knowledge of English or the ability to answer a few very simple questions.

Intermediate & Advanced
Intermediate and Advanced courses for learners who can understand English but would like to improve their English skills.

Self Learning Guides
We provide resources, tips, and guidelines designed to help learners progress in online and self-study environments.

Keep Learning
Covid-19 learning support
Many of you are not able to access face to face lessons at present and we want to help you to keep learning. The HELP-ESOL website has free materials which are updated on a regular basis and can be used to support your learning at home.
Our Learners Say
It’s very important for me to come to the classes because it helps me to live here. English is an international language and English classes help me to be part of the community here. Also, my baby [age 2] can go to the crèche. I don’t need to pay. He is developing and learning too.
English is an international language. It will be a great help for my life living in this country.
The classes are important because there are no conditions for entry. I really enjoy them because they help me to communicate in English with the teachers and other students. I like the environment – it is very quiet and helps me to learn.
English is very important because it means I can communicate. Here, lessons are free – you don’t need paper. The teachers are excellent and there is a helpful and supportive community between the students.
English is useful to help me settle into life in the UK. I like this class because it gives everyone the opportunity to learn free and without barriers.