A message to say you’re late

Jun 2, 2021 | Beginner

earn how to write text messages to tell a friend you’re going to be late:

Listening: My Sundays

Listening: My Sundays - What do you usually do on Sundays? Listen to this speaker talk about her favourite day, and develop your listening skills. You will be listening for: negatives and positives; weak sounds for vowels.

Answering the phone

Have you ever had a difficult phone call? Look at some useful phrases for answering the phone, finding out what people want and asking them to slow down

Is this the age of distrust? (listening)

In an era of fake news, where even a president of the United States is accused of spreading misinformation, could it be that we are living through a crisis in trust? Neil and Rob discuss the meaning of trust and teach you the honest truth about topical vocabulary.